
4 Ways to Close on Your Home Sale When You Can’t Attend Closing in Person

Closing a home sale is the final step in transferring ownership from the seller to the buyer, and there are several methods to conduct this crucial process when you’re not available to attend in person. These methods offer flexibility and convenience, especially in a world where digital solutions are increasingly prevalent.

Here’s a look at the different ways a home seller can complete the closing process:

1. Virtually with an Online Notary: Virtual closings have gained popularity due to their convenience and efficiency. With an online notary, the seller can complete the closing process from anywhere with an internet connection. This involves a secure video call where the notary verifies the seller’s identity, witnesses the signing of documents, and notarizes them digitally. This method not only saves time but also provides a secure and legally recognized way to finalize the sale without needing to be physically present.

2. Using a Power of Attorney: When the seller cannot be present for the closing, they can appoint someone else to act on their behalf through a power of attorney (POA). This legal document grants the designated person the authority to sign closing documents and complete the transaction. The POA must be specific to the transaction and usually requires notarization. This option is particularly useful for sellers who are out of the country or otherwise unable to attend the closing in person.

3. Using a Traveling Notary: For sellers who prefer a more personal touch but still need flexibility, a traveling notary offers a convenient solution. A traveling notary can come to the seller’s location, whether it’s their home, office, or another agreed-upon place. They will verify the seller’s identity, witness the signing of documents, and notarize them on the spot. This method combines the ease of staying in a familiar environment with the assurance of face-to-face interaction.

4. Sign and Return via Overnight Mail Service: Another method for conducting the closing is to sign the documents in advance and send them back via an overnight mail service. The seller receives the closing package, signs the necessary documents in the presence of a local notary, and then returns the signed documents to the closing agent using a reliable overnight courier service. This option is practical for sellers who have ample time to prepare and prefer the traditional method of handling physical documents while ensuring a timely delivery.

Each of these methods provides a different level of convenience and flexibility, catering to various needs and circumstances of home sellers. Whether leveraging technology through virtual notarization, delegating through a power of attorney, accommodating personal schedules with a traveling notary, or using reliable mail services, sellers have multiple ways to ensure their closing process is smooth and efficient. These options reflect the evolving landscape of real estate transactions, emphasizing accessibility and convenience for all parties involved.

I’m happy to discuss each option to help you determine which works best for you. Please get in touch at

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